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WordPress Speed Optimization Service

speed optimization

WordPress is by far the most popular platform for small businesses to create a website that can be edited easily. We’ve also seen that WordPress can be pushed extremely far to meet the needs of business owners. Sometimes the platform is pushed too far and your website slows to a halt. Slow loading time is bad for business.

We will start with a free evaluation on how we can speed up your WordPress website. Our speed optimization service is quick and painless, ensuring that your data remains intact. Be prepared for Google’s algorithm update, by making sure that your website passes Google’s page speed test. We look at the following key components of your website speed and provide you a plan on how we are going to make your website load in 1 second or less.

Oversized Images Will Kill Your Load Time

One of the first things that will come up in our analysis is large images. We can approach this issue in several different ways. The first would be to manually replace each image with an optimized image. This approach is best if there are less than 20 images on your website. This gives your website a nice, fresh and clean feel with the weight of a thousand MB lifted off of its shoulders. The second approach is to use a plugin that would automatically optimize each image. This second approach is quicker and easier, especially for bulk projects, but it comes with a plugin which we will get to in a minute.

Your Hosting Platform Is Your Foundation

We will review your hosting platform to see if it is performing properly for your website. This evaluation is done as part of our free initial review of your website. Moving hosting is a large project, but we can do a full migration within 1 week if your current hosting provider just isn’t cutting it. We will review your options and pricing for a different hosting provider, so that you can make the best decision for where your website operates from.

Plugin Bloat is Common

Most WordPress websites that we come across can be classified as “Frankenstein’s Monster” due to the amount of plugins used to accomplish their goals. It’s true, WordPress has tons of options for plugins that can help your website do just about anything. The problem is that plugins are easy for a reason and often they add unnecessary code to your website that sometimes does not play nice with other plugins.

To fix plugin bloat, we will need to really have a deep dive into usage and goals for your website. We will discuss what plugins can be custom coded into your existing theme. We will also provide options for plugins that can do the job of multiple plugins in order to reduce the number of different plugins on the site. You’re going to have to make some tough cuts though because not all the plugins you installed are going to be worth their weight in site speed. In the end, you’ll have a mean, clean, WordPress machine.

Theme JS/CSS Errors

Having an outdated theme will cause speed errors in Google’s Page Speed test. Often those errors can be fixed by the theme provider or by switching to a new theme. We will provide options to you on what would be most cost-effective to fix these types of errors. You’ll be surprised at how easy some of these code errors can be to fix.

Serving Up Cached Content

The final step to speed optimization of a WordPress website is to look at your caching. We take a deep dive into browser caching and page caching to present you with the best solution. Caching is not a bandaid to help speed up your site, it is to help an optimized site load easier. That’s why caching is last on our list. By working through these 4 key elements, we’ll provide you with an incredibly fast, Google approved, website.

Let’s Get Started On Your WordPress Speed Optimization Project

We are ready to get started on your website and look forward to helping improve your WordPress speed score.