Do you need a WordPress Speed Consultant to help identify the key factors that need improvement on your website? Our consultation will provide an audit of action items related to how to speed your website up. The most common problems we see with slow WordPress websites is Plugin Bloat and slow server speed.
Why Does WordPress Need To Be Fast?
First and foremost, it’s important to understand why your WordPress site needs to be fast. It needs to be fast for a better user experience. Customers won’t wait for your page to load forever. Another factor is SEO. Check out this article “Is Page Speed Important For SEO” which covers all website types, but the theme is the same, Google gives more points to websites that create good user experiences.
Editing Faster Saves Money
After doing a website speed upgrade, one comment was, “Wow, it’s so much easier to work on my posts.” Save time and money by having your admin area operate faster. You or your content writers will save hours and hours by not having to wait for your admin area to load. Using your website should be just as fast as using a program installed on your computer.
WordPress Is Not A Static HTML Site
WordPress CMS is a straightforward way to update content. Forget the days of old where you needed to work in a local environment, then sync to the internet. It’s important to keep in mind that ease of use often comes with a performance sacrifice. In this case, you are sacrificing speed for easy editing. Since you have WordPress, you’ll need to work harder to be faster. WordPress can be very fast, and you just need to hire the right developer to help get your site to that next level.
Plugin Bloat
Whenever you think, wow, that plugin made what I was trying to do easy. You’re right; it did, but at what cost? **Insert Thanos Meme** Anytime you install a plugin, you should re-run the page speed testing tools to determine what that time-saver has cost your website. It’s no surprise that websites with fewer plugins run faster than websites without plugins.
A site can be optimized with plugins, but you’ll make a caching system work harder and google work harder to read it. The idea behind optimizing your site is to offer everything as organized and clean as possible. That includes your content and code.
What Can a WordPress Speed Consultant Do?
First and foremost, start out with this Site Speed Audit. It combines the free tools online to test speed plus gives action items for a developer to follow. From there, a consultant can be as involved or as hands-off as you’d like. Want to fix it yourself or do you want us to fix it for you?
Expect Speed Increase Results
A good WordPress speed optimization will help with load times. An optimization of your website increases customer satisfaction and search engine satisfaction. We are experts in increasing WordPress speeds for our clients. Contact us today and let us look at your site to see how we can help.